The Human Design System
Tác giả:Hu, Ra Uru
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The Human Design System
The Human Design Systems' newest and first authorized publication is now available for purchase.
The Definitive Book of Human Design, The Science of Differentiation, by Lynda Bunnell, Director of the International Human Design School, and Ra Uru Hu, Founder of The Human Design System, is a definitive collection of the foundation knowledge in one volume. Based on Ra's work, and with his approval and cooperation, this book is both a reference guide for Human Design students, professionals and enthusiasts, and a step-by step introduction for newcomers as they enter into their own experiment with these practical and life transforming tools.
The Human Design System is a precise map and user guide that gives us access to how we are each genetically and uniquely designed to engage with the world, and how our own inner guidance system for decision-making operates. Never before have we been able to see so clearly the conscious and unconscious parts of ourselves, the true aspects that no one can take away from us, as well as the aspects of self that we have been taught or conditioned to believe are us, but are not.
The Human Design System is not a belief system. It is a concrete map to the nature of being, and a mapping of our genetic code that reveals the mechanics of our nature in such depth that it opens the door to the potential of self-love, a love of life and the love of others through true understanding and compassion.
Free downloadable software available.
Also, look on Amazon for Human Design, The Rave I'Ching Card Deck by Lynda Bunnell